Tag: 2014

Episode 14 – The Villain Episode

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What makes a character a villain? Is it the way they talk? Is it solely the sum of their actions? Perhaps it is the podcast they record?

Whatever the case may be, this week the Somethings talk about their favorite villains from all ends of media. From the darkest Sith on the block to the only man that can best Holmes, there is nothing that makes a hero more than his nemesis.

Ok, here we go…

Full Episode

Parts on hold until someone tells me they use them. 

Episode 13 – Our Desert Island Albums

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You’re on a flight.. an Oceanic flight.. and you know how unreliable those things are. So when it crashes into a mystical island with no fulfilling ending, you are left alone – but thankfully you have the five albums you will never be able to live without, and the.. uhm.. magical.. smoke batteries.. will make sure that your Dharma MusicMachine will work until this metaphor ends. Find out what the Something’s Desert Island Albums on our first ep of the new year!

Happy Holidays from us to you:

Full Episode