The BabyYodalorian

The new Disney Plus service was started with a treat for sci-fi and muppet fans, alike. A show that reframes the most mysterious of characters – makes a badass loveable – makes a sage adorable – makes a ‘First Time Mom’ movie a ‘Buddy Cop Adventure’

That’s right – it’s the BabyYodalorian… and yes, we know, it’s ACTUALLY called the Mandolorian… but is it though? Really? Come on. You know better than that.

So let’s get to it – talking about a Wars in Space… a Star Wars if you will… and the cute fuzzy eggsac that floats around it.

Ok, here we go!

OH – WAIT – Don’t forget to listen after the episode for the first episode of the new Stories To Amaze! We worked super hard on it, and want to throw out a special thanks to Pre-Recorded Live who lent their voice talents.

Full Episode

Author: RevVoice

1 thought on “The BabyYodalorian

  1. Really far behind on podcasts, so I just got this one in today. I’m writing an article for my site about what to read and watch to get more of the backstory on Mandalore.

    In the meantime, about the child. There had been 2 of Yoda’s species in canon – Yoda and Yaddle, who was on the Jedi Council in The Phantom Menace. She died before Attack of the Clones.

    Also, the Client informs the Mandalorian that the bounty they give him is for a 50 year old. That means the child and Yoda were alive st the same time. The Doctor with the Client has a Kimono Cloner insignia on the arm, so there is speculation that the child is a clone of Yoda or Yaddle.

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