Tag: 2020

[BLOG] Watch This Space

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If you are seeing this, then either this post has appeared on our RSS feed, which may or may not be a good thing, or you are coming to the site and seeing all the new stuff we’re working on.

Either way, thanks for being here, and don’t forget that we’re back with a brand new episode on Tuesday, January 5th!

[Throwback] Free For All!

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It’s the last of the Throwback episodes before we are back on the mic and doing what we do in 2021.

Since December is a five Something month, we decided to give you another episode from the archives that features this very thing. We talk about the show from 2019, so you’ll see how much we wanted to do and how little we’ve, in fact, done.

Last time in the DeLorean, Marty… strap in and Happy New Year!

Ok, here we go!

Full Episode

[Throwback] Christmas-ish Movies

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Happy Holidays Throwback month continues with an episode where we discuss movies that are… Christmas-ish. Sure, of course we all know about your Miracle on 34ths and your It’s a Wonderfuls, but everyone talks about those. We’re the Somethings – we need to take it a little bit further.

Also, if you are not the type that goes to websites anymore (who does that, anyway) – do us a favor and head to the site somethingcast.com and check out the new look for the website. More changes are coming, so keep coming back!

Ready for the jelly of the month club? Okay, here we go ho ho…

Full Episode

[Throwback] Doctor Who/ Sherlock Christmas Special

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Remember back when the must-see event of any Christmas season was Doctor Who and Sherlock? We do, and we sometimes think back to those halcyon days of the early 2010s and remember fondly sitting around the hearth with our kin and arguing blitheringly about whether or not they were good.

That’s precisely what we do here, from Episode 59 where we hung out with Meredith Placko and Emma Fyffe and talked about the 2016 BBC specials.

So settle in, get your nog, and join us for some YuleTide Nitpicking, in the way only the Somethings could make charming…

Ok, here we Ho! Ho! Ho!

Full Episode

[Throwback] Saturday Morning Cartoons!

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It’s December, which means the Somethings are taking the month to recharge, rebuild, and record. We’ll be back in 2021 with even more ‘Something!’

So this month, gather round and listen to the boys sound a lot younger talking about stuff from when they were even younger – a time before we even had a theme song!

It’s a Throwback to Episode 6 – Saturday Morning Cartoons…

Ok, here we go!

Full Episode

The End – Daredevil

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And with the End of a Something Year almost upon us – we thought why not go look at what may have been one of the biggest losses to superheroic entertainment, that of a blind lawyer who fights street level crime, but in the most badass way possible… he’s the Avocado At Law – Daredevil.

Does the end of the series pay homage to what came before it? Does its grit and grime line up with its heroics and kick-butt nature?

Is there a hallway sequence?

Ok, here we go…

Full Episode

Where Are They Now? – The Malfoys

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We told you that new things were coming, and new things are arriving. Two weeks ago, we gave you ‘What Would We Have Done’ and this week we are showing off another of our new features, ‘Where Are They Now’ where Rob and I discuss the fictional futures of characters you’ve come to know…

This month, we are taking on the Malfoy’s, that reviled family that sat on the wrong side of history in the battle of Hogwarts and beyond.

Where are they now? What happened to them? Well, settle in – you are about to find out in Where Are They Now? The Malfoys

Ok, here we go!

Note: Thank you all for letting us know there were some sound cue errors – they have been corrected.

Full Episode

Something In Review – Enola Holmes

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Now that we are eke’ing our way beyond the Halloween Thunderdome and getting prepped for all the fixings of Thanksgiving with a jolly fatman on the horizon, it’s time for all the Netflix shows to start thundering through.

This one, in particular, seemed like it may be up the Somethings alley… we dig Sherlock, we think Millie Bobbie Brown does good work, and hey, the Witcher! So join us as we dive in to the new Netflix flick about the turn of the century Encyclopedia Brown – Enola Holmes, on In Review!

Full Episode

What We Would Have Done: Dexter

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We’re trying something new! It’s kind of hard to explain, but here I go…

Some shows or movies or something er another end poorly. Some, in fact, ended years before their last episode… so we thought, what would WE have done?

Oh, it’s actually pretty easy to explain.. nevermind.

Anyway, we’re taking down the story of a man who murders and the people that love him. We’re taking him away from his lumberjacking ways and letting the world know – WHAT WE WOULD HAVE DONE…. with DEXTER!

Ok, here we go…

Full Episode

The End – Nightmare Cafe

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It’s the end of October, which means it is time for The End, but… spookier.

What can we talk about that features one of the scariest men in horror cinema, produced by one of the trendsetters of the last 30 years of scares? Why, what about a show featuring a greasy spoon diner and a strange vaguely Twilight Zoney premise.

That’s right, it’s Nightmare Cafe, from the mind of Wes Craven.. or at least one of his relatives.. the story of two people trying to do good with a traincar diner in the middle of nowhere.

To put it simply… it’s… something. So let’s go with The End: Nightmare Cafe

Ok, here we go…

Full Episode