[BLOG] PCR ranks AHS!

Something Extra

Hey Somethings, PCR here!

So, in our Free For All episode (which you can listen to here…) we touched on ‘American Horror Stories’ and, tangentially, AHS in general.  Long time listeners of the show know both Hatton and I have varied opinions of the AHS seasons… but here, for the first time, I’m giving you my rankings of them…

9 – Roanoke –  I know they tried something a bit different this season with the ‘real vs re-enactment’ and the second half feeling like a different story until it wasn’t… but the whole thing fell super flat for me.  When I first saw the title, I wanted a season ABOUT Roanoke not.. this convoluted mess that we got.

8 – Asylum – I know I’m stepping on toes here, there are a BUNCH of people who like Asylum.  There were PARTS I liked, not not nearly enough to override the fact that I feel like I got scammed in a story that was teased and never shown.

7 – Cult  – Cult was… uncomfortable.  I know AHS stories aren’t supposed to be all ‘light and fuzzy’, but “Cult” for me felt ‘too soon’ with what was going on in the world at the time.

6 – Murder House – This season falls in the middle for me because, I get this is where it all started.. but I would love to see AHS decide it’s time to ‘move on’ from it.  It comes back around way too often for my tastes in other seasons (and even spin-offs) and it would be nice to see the show give it a rest.
5 – Freak Show –  This was an interesting one for me.  The whole carnival vibe I enjoyed, and Finn as Dandy was a standout performance for me.

4 – 1984 –  I liked the schlock of it.  The season captured the ’80s vibe great, and it was exciting for me to see them bring Ramierez back.

3 – Hotel  –   I’ll say it, I loved Lady Gaga in this season.  All the acting was pretty top notch, the story was engaging, and nothing felt too forced for me.  A very solid season from top to bottom.
2 – Coven  –   I adore The Witches.  Coven was a great story, the infighting and intrigue about the Supreme… it hit all the right notes for me.

1 – Apocalypse  –   I’ll be honest, this almost came in at the second spot as the first few episodes I was a bit “meh” on, but once The Witches showed up and everyone revealed their true colors, this season really took off.  Cody Fern as Michael Langdon REALLY gave me some “Lucifer/Ahura Mazda” vibes from Cry for Dawn and there was little, if anything, I would change about the season as a whole.

Author: Podcast Rob