Tag: 2023

[SOMETHING IN REVIEW] Thor: Love & Thunder (w/ Erik Hall)

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Thor – Master of Thunder. Wielder of Mjolnir. Rider of Slephnir. Master of 80s Glam Metal?

Well, the Somethings are back, and we have friend of the show Erik Hall with us as we take a look at our loosest ‘Love’ episode of the month. Did Marvel’s favorite Norse God wield his trilogy with a hammer or did we have to run across the rainbow bridge to get away.

And if you enjoyed Erik, you can find him on Simply SCAdian 

Find out our thoughts on Thor: Love & Thunder

Ok, here we go’din!

Full Episode


Our Favorite Movie Couples

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♫ Love is in the air…. you can feel it everywhere ♫

It’s February, and the Somethings are not known for their rampant discussion of movies about Matthew McConaughey leaning against something, or movies where he is a rough and tumble patent clerk who has lost nothing.. except love. We aren’t the type to wax poetic about the romantic ‘You Complete Me’ and ‘Can’t Quit You’ and ‘Torgo wishes for one wife, Master’ tales of the heart.

But this month.. that’s all about to change.. for this month.

So join us as we discuss great movie couples and why we love ’em.  I assure you, Matthew McConaughey is not leaning anywhere within this episode.

Ok, here we uwu..

Full Episode


[BLOG] PCR Talks about the man he loves….

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…to hate.

So, this blog was GOING to be about some of my favorite TV villains, but then I shifted it a bit to be some of my favorite TV villain ACTORS.. and that was when I came to a realization and had to make this about one man, and one man alone.

The man I love to hate.

The man who.. even when he plays ‘one of the good guys’, your brain keeps asking you..”But… is he?”

One man holds that distinction.  Regardless of if you know him as Harold Finch, Morton Norton, Leyland Townsend, or Benjamin Linus…  Michael Emerson will ALWAYS be someone who, when he shows up on my screen, I’m expecting him to be the worst of humanity.

Other actors do very well at playing ‘both sides’.  I loved watching “Oz”, and J.K Simmons and Christopher Meloni play some iconic villains there that defined their careers at that time, but they’ve also moved on to play some great non-villain characters as well.  Sure, J. Jonah Jameson may be a douchebag.. but no one sees him come on screen and think “Yeah… he’s definitely going to eat someone though”.  With Emerson, that always seems to be on the table regardless of who he’s playing.

He’s a brilliant actor who has made playing smart and socially awkward terrifying, and I urge anyone who hasn’t yet seen him to watch something with him in it.. be it Lost or Person of Interest or EVIL or anything else he’s been in.



January 2023 Free For All

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When there are 5 weeks in a month, which makes more sense? The Somethings taking the week off because you don’t deserve 5 weeks of episodes? Or them deciding to just record anything and seeing what pops out of their mouth?

Obviously, the answer is the latter – so please, enjoy this Something FreeForAll, January 2023 Edition!

Full Episode


[BLOG] A Little Something Bout’ Wrasslin…

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As a fan of professional wrestling, even when I’m not wholly invested in the product, my favorite weekend of the year is this weekend – The Royal Rumble, where 30 people enter the ring 2 minutes apart and the last one standing at the end gets a big title match at Wrestlemania.  It has been a yearly tradition for me to gather with friends, pick numbers, and enjoy it.  In 2018, that same group got to watch live in person as Shinsuke Nakamura won the Men’s Rumble and Asuka won the Women’s.  This year is the first time in three years we will all gather together again after .. well, ya know..

So I thought I’d take a minute and talk about a few wrestlers, modern and old, that never won the Rumble but should have, or just won’t.

Kofi Kingston – When I was a kid, I was really into wrestling. Now, I get occasionally invested in a wrestler or a story. The story of Kofi’s rise to WWE Champion was the last story WWE did that I felt so full-heartedly invested in that when he lost in a garbage match to a garbage person, I stopped watching and haven’t gone back other than the occasional big event.  To see him win the Royal Rumble… I’d probably be back to weekly viewing unapologetically.

Mr. Perfect – Curt Henning was an amazing performer from top to bottom. A technical wrestler before the era of smaller framed guys was the thing. A character that exuded so much obnoxiousness you just wanted someone to beat the snot out of him. The mileage he could have gotten out of a Rumble win would live on to this day. In 1990 he was the last person thrown out by the winner, Hulk Hogan.. but imagine a world where he won it.

Bryan Danielson – If you know anything about the history of Bryan and the Rumble… you’ll know how his lack of appearance, or quick elimination, drove an audience to turn on The Rock, Roman Reigns, Rey Mysterio.. for two years in a row. For a minute he was the only person in wrestling people cared about, and he did great for himself without that win, but it would have been amazing to see him get it.

Barry Horowitz – Ok, here me out.. because non-wrestling fans are going ‘Who?’ and wrestling fans are going ‘..wait, what?!’ – The Rumble is supposed to be this moment where anything can happen, and yet year after year it is the people who you probably expect to win.. winning. You walk in knowing the top 5 options and sometimes the only option. For as much as its touted that anything can happen – very often it is an hour long showcase of ‘won’t happens’ and 10 minutes of ‘which obvious answer’.  So why shouldn’t a guy like Barry Horowitz, who is known as one of the greatest losers in wrestling history. A man who lived to make other guys look dangerously good. …What happens if he wins? What happens if someone you just don’t expect comes out and wins?

Why can’t the Rumble be a place where, out of nowhere the least likely candidate becomes a Main Event Contender.

The answer is money… obviously, but I hope one day we get a Rumble that defies all expectations.

Maybe it’ll be this weekend.

[THE END] The Tick

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The Tick is one of those weird moments in comic book history, like the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… taking what we know about superheroes and just making it weird.  So, how do they make it weirder? They make it a live action show on a low-budget and put the only man who looks like the cartoon in the role.

Does it hold up? It only got half a season on Fox which could mean it was amazing and Fox screwed up or horrible and.. well, Fox screwed up..

Find out as we dive into the oceanic trench of justice on the submarine that is: The End – Tick!

Ok, here we go, chum!

Full Episode


[BLOG] PCR’s trip down British TV Nostalgia

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Hey Somethings,

You’ll hear about me talk about this a bit on an upcoming episode, but, I recently purged a bunch of my streaming services to cut down on expenses, and have been living the Tubi life lately.  Every time I start up a new free service (I did the same with Peacock), I inevitably find myself wrapped up in shows I don’t have to think very hard to watch just to see what they offer… so it’s a lot of “Fail TV” and “IdiotTV” and such as I typically watch as I’m going to bed and it’s easy to fall asleep when it’s something you don’t have to devote a lot of thought or attention to.  Invariably, I start looking for something else to watch, and… as the tug of nostalgia is strong.. I end up stumbling upon a show I’ve seen before but loved, and I watch it all over again.

Enter “James May’s Man Lab” and “James May’s Toy Stories”








James May is from the trio that, along with Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond, brought you Top Gear on the BBC for many years.  Beyond that, he brought us these two amazing shows as well.

Man Lab tries to ‘bring back’ the heyday of when men did (or could do) manly things… like.. change a tire, woo a woman, how to duel, or build a remote-controlled picnic table.  Airing from 2012 to 2013, Man Lab takes popular science and ramps it up just ‘extra’ enough to be hilarious yet still amazingly entertaining.

“Toy Stories” does the same when it comes to ‘going big’, but with less tongue in cheek and far more ‘extra’.

From building a nearly three mile long slot-car track, to a fiberglass Supermarine Spitfire at a 1:1 scale, Toy Story takes toys from May’s childhood, and blows right past “11” while ramping them up to 15.

If you’re a fan of British humor, science, and attempting the absurd, I highly recommend checking them out!


[THE WHEEL] Job Shows

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The Wheel is back, and it’s got a job to do…

Ok, it doesn’t, that would be weird, it’s a Wheel. It has a job, and it does it well. We spin it, and it gives us the week’s topic.  The topic though, well that’s a different job entirely.  You see, if you have watched any television in the last twenty years, you have seen, at some point, a show about bakers or flower arrangers or glass blowers or taxis.  Doing your boring-ass day job probably has its own channel on Pluto, so what happens when the Somethings get to make their own?

It’s a brand new episode of The Wheel – Elevator Pitch

Ok, here we g…..are you ready to face 5 other chat format podcasts on… PodWars!

Full Episode


[BLOG] Hatton on Games in 2023

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New Year, New reasons to zone out in front of a video game machine and lose countless hours to creating worlds, destroying monsters, leveling up, grinding away at horrible unending boss-fights, and forgetting you were supposed to do a blog because you just had to have one more match. So here are is a handful of the games that are supposedly going to be released in 2023 that I am tentatively excited to get my hands on:

Storyteller – This indy-ish title is currently a Switch game, possibly PC, and the playstyle seems so simplistic I wonder how it will hold up as a full game, but the premise alone has be salivating. Simple drag and drop to evolve a story – with multiple (possibly many many multiple) paths. I have only done a little bit of reading up on it, and actively avoided more, because I want this game to be a complete surprise for me.

Hollow Knight: Silksong – Hollow Knight was one of the most engagingly frustrating experiences, but sits amongst Celeste and Crypt of the Necrodancer as games that I will grind at until I can’t feel my fingers anymore just to get that sweet sweet achievement.  If you’ve never played the original, and you enjoy platformers, there are few better.

AEW: Fight Forever – I’m hesitant on this one, but excited to find out if I’m wrong. The world has needed a better big name wrestling game that doesn’t have the WWE name connected to it, that stops trying to make a wrestling game like you make a football game. Wrestling isn’t a sport, so its game shouldn’t feel like one. Fight Forever has that look, although its recent addition of zany minigames makes me curious if it will just be all gimmick and no substance.

Colossal Cave – Ken & Roberta Williams are names that gamers of a certain vintage will remember as the cause of sleepless nights as they tried to figure out how to stop the guard, only to realize you have to buy the macaroni salad to give to his pet fish so that you can use the bowl to pretend you are a space man.  The grandparents of the modern adventure, they are going back to where it started with a reimagining of one of the first adventure games ever made.  And it comes out next week!

…and a quick shout to games I’m very interested in, but don’t have big hopes for (and hope I’m wrong)

  • Killer Klowns from Outer Space – Another attempt to eat a slice of Dead by Daylight’s cake… I’ll be ok if it’s a budget title with a banging soundtrack.
  • Minecraft Legends – Minecraft meets old school RTS? I love the universe, I’m iffy about what I’ve seen.
  • Starfield – The new Bethesda IP.. I’m hyped, I just don’t expect it will actually come this year.
  • Dead Island 2 – I expect this one will come out and be a disappointment, but I don’t WANT it to be


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This entry is brought in by Patron Doug – Thanks Doug!

Three people get their lives intertwined and shenanigans ensue. Those shenanigans involve big money crimes, and pleasant interactions with bank tellers, and a love triangle that completely and totally makes a ton of sense and solidifies this as one of the cinema relationship greats.

That’s right, we’re talking about the movie poster you’ve seen that one time, starring John McClain, Slingblade, and …wait, is that right?  Cate Blanchette? Yup, that Cate Blanchette.

We’re talking Bandits!  Okay, here we go!

And if YOU want to know how to give us stuff to talk about, all while getting your Something early, uncut and unedited… head over to our Patreon to find out how!

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