Tag: 2017

Episode 108 – The 2017 IJOV Christmas Party

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It is a yearly Something Tradition – the IJOV.NET Somethingcast Christmas Party!

So get yourself some rum-laden nog, light the fire, and do what everyone does during the beginning of the season of giving. Put on headphones and listen to your friends prattle on about holidays and the year that has passed while you get black-out loaded.

Joining on our festive occasion is Toner from the Nyrdcast. We have Eric from Two-Legged-Tie (currently on hiatus). Lastly, we have the newest IJOV posse, Rich & Shannon from Married Marks.

And before we get to the episode, two things for you.. good news and bad news.
The bad news is that this is our last episode for the year. As always, we take our break for Christmas, so it is a perfect time to go back and go grab the episode you missed and use it to fill the Something-Shaped hole in your heart.

The good news is that we are starting our Patreon this month, so no better time to get in, hear the beginnings of our new radio drama and our new micro-show which is going to be a little something about history.

But for now… thank you for being here and we can’t wait to get back in the studio.

Happy Holidays.

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Episode 107 – Unsolved Mysteries

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Does that logo alone send a chill down your spine as you hear Robert Stack telling you about all the horrible crap that is going on in your neighborhood?

Well, get ready for a little preview of what’s to come for the Somethings future. Take a listen to understand what I mean about that. (hint: It relates to our Patreon) – But we’re going into the well of history and talking about some of the strangest, weirdest, and most interesting things that we still haven’t got a clue about. By we, I mean Rob & I.. you might know.. and we expect you will probably tell us where we were wrong.

Anyway, until then – settle in and get ready for a little Something Mysterious.

And as a quick note from us to you – may your Thanksgiving be festive whether it’s a turkey dinner with all the fixings or just two loudmouths in your ear. We are ever thankful for you.

Ok here we go!

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Episode 106 – Stranger Things 2

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It’s time to go back to the umop apisdn (that doesn’t work if you use a weird font) ..anyway, it’s time to head on back and see what’s going on in the eeriest of Indiana’s – that’s right, Netflix’s bingers dream has returned for nine more episodes of small town life with a Lovecrafty spin.

So find out what the boys thought about the return of all of the kids we know with a few folks we were equal parts thrilled and horrified to see.

So get your eggos and settle in – it’s time to get our paddles.

Ok, here we demigo!

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Episode 105 – Vampire Movies w/ Megan Salinas

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The rules you need to know:
– You have to invite them in
– You’ll never see them in front of a mirror
– If you stake them, they will die
– Go sparingly on the garlic

I am course am talking about the Somethings, who are back with an episode about the monster movie’verses grand pappy of em all, the Vampire!

We are in the horrortastic best month of the year when it comes to popping on your favorite fright fest and that’s exactly what we decided to do with the batty, glittery, dark lords of the macbre. So settle in for this spooktacular movie party with AfterBuzzTV and Silver Scream’s own Megan Salinas (@themenguin) to bring her horror loving pedigree to add in to our own.

Know what I hate about these podcasts… too many damn vampires.

Ok, here we ghoul!

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Episode 104 – Michael Bay

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You can’t have a summer blockbuster without your bae…  am I right?

I, obviously am talking about the Master of all things Kaboom – Michael Bay.

We can joke, but he’s had his share of fun flicks – and its time for the boys to break them down and find out which ones set them on fire and which ones fizzled out before they ever got ignited.

Also – before we get to the episode – we would like to say a thank you to the amazing legacy that Wild Pig Comics is leaving in the New Jersey comic and hobby scene. Chris and Bill have been long-time friends of the show, and we’re sorry to see them go.  If you happen to be in NJ before the end of the month, be sure to stop by and wish Chris luck on his next adventure.

Ready for some funsplosions?

Ok, here we go!

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Episode 103 – The Defenders w/ Tim Stevens

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Take the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. A loud-mouthed P.I. with superpowers. A bullet-proof man who swears to watch out for Harlem. And.. ..well.. Danny Rand.

Push them together and what do you get – you get us bringing back the Somethingcast’s favorite guest, Mr. Ungajje himself, Tim Stevens!

As always, when the binge-worthy Marvel World rears its color-coded head, we breakdown what’s going on – what we like – what we hate – and Tim brings up the average intelligence by knowing a lot more about the source material than either of us.

So settle in and find out if this show is worth Defending. Afterwards, head over to TimStevensIsUngajje  to find out what more is going on with our ducet-toned bestie.

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102 – Starchaser: The Legend of Orin

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After 3 big episodes in a row, the boys are hanging back for a little and catching their breath.

What that means is you get to dive into one from the secret archives of the Somethings, where you get all new material, we did the same amount of work, but we did it before now! It’s amazing. It’s like magic.

I’ll tell you that the above sentence has more magic in it than this movie.

There are a lot of classic Star Wars rips, but Starchaser might be the most forgotten.. not because it is obscure or bad or an obvious cash-in… it’s because it is all three.

We promise, you don’t need to see the movie to enjoy this episode. Hell, you’ll likely enjoy the movie more if you don’t watch it.


Ok, here we go!

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Episode 101 – Ralph Garman

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So after putting the Patreon on pause.
After our Anniversary.
After our 100th Episode.

How could we put icing on that cake?

Oh, we got ourselves a badass guest to hangout with for a little while. Who, you may ask? Why Ralph Garman, co-host of the Hollywood Babble-On with Kevin Smith, actor in a lot of stuff you’ve seen, as well as the host of one of our personal favorite shows, The Joe Schmo Show!

So settle in and enjoy the conversation, and do yourself a favor and follow @RalphGarman on Twitter and Instagram to continue following his adventures and all of the big life changes in store for him now that we’ve hijacked his brain. And be sure to look out for him on Seth MacFarlane’s new sci-fi show, The Orville.

Ok, here we go!

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Episode 100 Party!

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NOTE: Please forgive the mistake in this episode… I think it makes it funnier, but I forgot to add in a critical sound-effect.  It’s always something, am I right?

This is it! We did it!

So what do we do.. we throw a party with two friends from the Inside Joke Outside Voice Network.

We got Rich from Married Marks and Eric from Two-Legged Tie and we just hang out and argue a bit.

What would you expect from us, really?

From ice cream flavors to top tv shows. It really is a party with a bunch of people who like to talk to each other.

Am I making you chomp at the bit for more?  Oh, you better be… because here we go!

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Episode 99 – Year Four, Expanded Universes

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Ok here we go… and go.. and go… and we are celebrating our Year 4.

Where in years gone by we have found our way to the fabulous Wildpig Comics, this year there just wasn’t a lot to discuss when it came to the comic universes.. so we decided to have an episode where we create our own.

So we got Bill Ellis, manager of Wildpig and longtime friend of the show and Jay Sandlinnew friend of the show and writer of Outbreak Mutiny, as well as a regular contributor to Buzzfeed! I’m also leaving a link here to this article, but you might want to wait til the end of the episode to click on it… trust us.

Let me (Hatton here) take a quick moment to say a thank you to every one of you that has listened over the years and has gotten us here. It is because of you folks that we do it and thanks for being there. As we crest our fourth year and our next episode is that big ol’ triple digit, it is stereotypical, but totally true, that without you, there would be no us. So thanks everyone.

Enough prattling – let’s get on with the show.

Ok, here we go!

Full Episode