Tag: Lost
[BLOG] PCR’s Top 5 “Unanswered Mysteries” from LOST
Tagged Blog, Lost, TVLook.. let’s face it.. Hatton and I feed off each other’s creativity. Hatton makes a blog last week referencing LOST.. and it sits in my brain until I have to let it out. I’d make some pithy joke about it being like entering The Numbers into Desmond’s computer, but.. I liked Desmond, and this post is about the other side of things.
19 years later, these are my Top 5 Unanswered Mysteries from LOST
5 – What the hell was the Cork in the Pond in the Cave?
Out of all the things I WASN’T expecting to see in the ‘Heart of the Island’.. was a kiddie-sized wading pool carved out of rock with a big cork stopper in it.
I mean… what?
Was this an analogy for the writers being so pent up with unanswered BS from previous seasons is was akin to a stopper in the pool of their creative brain? I mean, that would have been a better explanation than whatever they had for.. whatever that was.
4 – Annie
No, not the redheaded, pupil-less orphan, I’m talking about the only friend a young Ben Linus had while growing up in the Dharma Initiative. Did you forget about her? So did the show. Lindelhoff and Cuse went so far on the DVD commentary for “The Man Behind the Curtain” to say that she was going to be a ‘huge part of upcoming storylines’…. SO big apparently, she was mentioned in one episode ever and then promptly never heard from again.
3 – Horace’s Cabin
I was convinced we were going to get some kind of answers about the island once the survivors found this… the circle of ash around it.. the person in the chair.. but, much like a lot of the rest of the show, it got ‘weird’ without ever being really explained. Some of the biggest ‘huh?’s.. why could it move around the island? What was the circle of ash keeping in (or out)? Who broke the circle? Why… 19 years later do I care?
2 – Libby
I thought Libby overall as a character was great, and I enjoyed that she was a love interest for Hurley. Hurley did keep mentioning that he felt like he knew her from somewhere, and it turns out they were both in Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute at the same time. Why did they not remember each other? Was it the same reason Ben Kenobi didn’t recognize R2?
1 – Walt being ‘Special’
The BIGGEST “wtf” letdown of the show in my opinion. They tease up Walt being special, even show us him (apparently?) telekenisis-ing birds into a glass door… he ‘seems’ to be able to make things he thinks about happen, but we’re never given proof that it’s not more than coincidence.. I mean.. he MUST be right? Why else would Hurley and Ben convince him to go back to the island to ‘help Michael’ even though Michael is dead? According to Lindelhoff, Walt is special “because he is”. Thanks Damon…
What about you? What are some of YOUR biggest unsolved issues with LOST? Let us know at all the usual places!
The End – Lost
Tagged 2019, guests, Lost, The End, TVFor the last of our Year Six celebrations, we are going back…. but this time, to the end.
That’s right, the Somethings are back and they are flying on an Oceanic Flight with the last episode of the show that started a thousand arguments… Lost.
But we’re not going alone, oh no no no, if we’re going to face the Smoke Monster and the strange purgatory-not-purgatory spiritual-not-spiritual culmination of the ‘is it faith or is it science or is it Memorex’ island… we got long time show friends Rick & Sarah of AwesomeTalk TV. So after you’re done here, go see their newest episode over on YouTube!
But right now.. settle in.. it’s one more number in the Valenzetti Equation.. it’s … The End: Lost.
Episode 54 – SomethingRiffs: Lost
Tagged 2015, Lost, TVIn what is going to go down as their ‘Awkward Year 3 Experimental Phase’ – The Somethings are returning back to a place they vowed they would never return to.
That’s right… The Island.
Now, you might remember the last 6 Hour Rant Fest that was the Something’s Lost episode… well this time it is a bit different. The boys are sitting down with the finale of LOST and riffing on it. So this episode isn’t one you can just sit back and let us hijack your brain – you are going to want to load up Netflix and watch the show along with us as we sit and discuss, mock, point out, ignore, and generally vent our frustrations one last time at those damned Dharma kids and their mangey Smoke Monster.
This episode is yet another in a long line of interesting things we’re trying out, and your commentary on how it went is supremely important, so please hang out with us on social media (and here!) and let us know what you think.
After this, we’re taking our favorite rant vehicle and locking it away in the hatch… so savour it, we ain’t goin’ back for a lonnnnnng time, Freckles.
[The Something Contest] Wave 3 Here!
Tagged 2015, Lost, SomethingContestAfter hanging out with the chubby Martian Manhunter – it is time to take a journey back to the island… dammit.
So we ask you, our faithful listeners, in less than 1000 words. (And by less than 1000, remember. 25 is also less than 1000) Give us an answer to one of the great mysteries of the island. Pick any one you want. From smoke monsters, to polar bears, to the fact that Kate REALLY wasn’t that freckly.
Answer a grand question and your selection will be given points towards SOMETHINGSWAG.
Where do you put your answers.. ANOTHER MYSTERY… no? Right.. put them in the comments of THIS VERY POST!
Episode 8 – LOST
Tagged 2013, Lost, SciFi, TVTake a bunch of people and put them in a situation where mysteries abound and their lives will forever be changed. That’s right – we’re taking on Hatton’s favorite show, Lost.
Will we get to the bottom of who the smoke monster is? Will we figure out what happened to Claire’s behbey? Do we even know what a behbey is?
Joined with guest Madison, it is the longest, densest, and most confusing cast we’ve done to date.
Also – let us know what you think of our new theme song!