[BLOG] Not Real Real Shows

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Hatton here…

This past week, I saw Late Night With The Devil – which is a found footage movie that takes place on an old Carson-esque talk show. It does every part of it amazing.. the sets, the color scheme, the slight fuzz to the camera at certain angles.  I can’t recommend it enough.  But that got me to thinking of all of the other shows I’ve watched and loved that really go out of their way to position themselves as a faux program. Some do it with more intent than others, but they all really do try and emulate the original war of the worlds, and in two instances was on the same day!

WNUF HALLOWEEN SPECIAL – This is one that is worth the watch, but only the once. A local news program that is doing a haunted house expose’. There is a lot to love in it, from the disgruntled newscaster to the authenticity of the commercials in between each news segment. But… it is not without its flaws and lack of feeling and direction. Good, yes. Great, sadly no.

WITHOUT WARNING – I saw this live when it was on tv in 1994 and I was riveted as it may have been my first exposure to this kind of idea. In this one, we are watching news reports and special reports and experts all about a meteor that may hit the earth. It’s a great watch, albeit and you can find it on Youtube.

..and now – the things you must watch…

GHOST WATCH – Out of all of the ones on this list, Ghost Watch is the best of them. In 1992, the BBC put on a talk show about a haunting on Halloween and we walk through a woman’s house, meet her kids, and there is enough not going wrong that it feels like it may just be real. Then, as it goes, it starts using every camera trick in the world to make you feel like you saw something that just couldn’t be there until the big ending. If any one of these inspired Late Night With the Devil – it is this one.

INSIDE NO. 9 – Lastly I’d like to give you one you may not know about. This is a BBC show that, from my limited exposure, feels like a Twilight Zone’esque anthology show. Well, they had one episode that I just happened to bump into online that is framed like a british gameshow… with no breaks or notes or explanations that it isn’t other than the people are a tad odd.  Then it gets very uncomfortable, so much that you really have a hard time figuring out if it is real or not… and then it pops.  Check it out. It is worth the experience.

Or, better yet, show these to a friend and DON’T tell them they aren’t real. Sound off with ones I may have missed in all the places.


[THE BEGINNING] Succession

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It’s time to talk about the beginning of a show that many heralded as the next big thing, and it had its four seasons and went… but, was it a Success?

We are obviously discussing the journey of the Roy family and the control of RoyCo. A gaggle of children and relatives all battle it out for control of a billion dollar empire. Will it be the political darling? The weird hippy? The hedon? The kiss-ass? It’s one giant eff’d up Brady Bunch at the top of the skyscraper.

So join us in our ivory tower as we look at the pilot episode of a show that said ‘who needs dragons and robots for a big money HBO!?’ and flew off on its private helicoptor.  Find out on this week’s episode of The Beginning: Succession

Okay here we go!

Full Episode

Our Best, Favorite, Coolest, Neatest Movie Props


Sure, movies have cool action and actors and Bay-splosions.. but have you ever just looked at all of the stuff?!

From laser guns to cool hats, from space ships to candy – Hollywood can make anything cool. So the Somethings are going to talk about some of their favorite movie objects. Whether they are one off tools or the whole maguffin – these are the things that make the fantastic worlds become a reality.

So join us as we discuss our Favorite Movie Props!

Ok, here we ooooh, dude did you see that wallet? It said bad mother fu– you get it.

Full Episode

[BLOG] PCR discusses creativity!


Hey Somethings!

By now you’ve heard through some of our episodes that at the end of July we’re sending The Something Something ‘Cast out to a field where it’s sunny all the time and it can romp around with all the other podcasts that came to an end.

This isn’t to say we don’t enjoy doing it.. we do!  But when you’re in a creative space and doing a creative thing for as long as we have, sometimes.. things need to change.


Look at our podcast over the past 11 years.. we went from every two weeks to every week to themed weeks and even THOSE themed weeks have changed semi-frequently as the new ‘creative bug’ bit us about them… and while the drive is still there, there’s a bigger drive to do something far, far different that anything we’ve done in the podcast.. so different, it doesn’t fit into the podcast form we’ve created.


Things are already happening behind the scenes, and while we’re not quite ready to make a reveal, there are a *bunch* of talented people involved in this project, and we’re all already super excited about sharing it with you all when the time is right!

Watch this space!


[5TH WHEEL] Creator Spotlight on Nick Haskins

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We get 5 weeks in April, that’s 20% better than your average month when it comes to Somethingcast episodes. So what do we do? We lug out the ol’ Wheel and spin to find out what we’re talking about.. and lo and behold this week we got Creator Spotlight – and who is the guest? Why none other than Nick Haskins, one of the originators of long-running podcast Epic Film Guys, twitch streamer over at Nikolai’s Kitchen, and podcasting yet again over at Two Peas On A Pod. 

And every one of those would be enough to celebrate Nick, but he also is the creator, host, and modern day Jerry Lewis of the Livestream For The Cure – a weekend of entertainment from podcasters with the goal to imagine a world without cancer. The Somethingcast has been honored to be part of the event the last few years and we can’t wait to do it again. So please, keep up with updates on the Livestream For The Cure: Facebook, Twitter, or donate directly to: livestreamforthecure.com

So settle in with a bunch of friends celebrating another on Creator Spotlight: Nick Haskins – And mark your calendar and hang out with us 05/29 – 06/01.

Okay here we go!

Full Episode

[BLOG] Oh, X-Men ’97.. where were you 27 years ago…

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Oh, Hatton’s popping off about X-Men again.

You’re damned right he is – and do you know why?

Because DizMaus is brilliant at what they do no matter how agonizingly horrible they are to American copyright law. Yeah, we had the biggest movie action event of all time and then, pandemic aside, they feel like they’ve stumbled to their next marker. That said, we all thought it was going to be Fantastic Four for a minute, but behind the scenes they were moving X-Pawns into X-Places.

And then, with Patrick Stewart’s cameo, Kelsey Grammar’s cameo, and Wolverine and Deadpool – we were off to the races. Diz wants us to know that not only are they thinking about the X-Men, they are reminding people of what the X-Men was so when they bring to us our all new shiny X-Teams, the people who don’t know a M’kraan Crystal from a Gem of Cytorak can feel less alone. (An aside: I once got lambasted for misremembering which one was which when I used to write comic reviews. I deserved it.)

So that brings us to this image posted with no commentary:

And X-Men MotherTruckin ’97.

It is a love letter to comics to cartoons to 90’s animation stylings and all of it is done with a non-stop rumbling patter of name drops, character drops, and plot evolutions. Hey, was that Marrow on that poster? Yup. Hey, is that Belladonna and Bobby LeBeau at [redacted]? Yup. And they aren’t apologizing for it or spoonfeeding answers. They’re there for us to nerdily explain to our friends and partners why we keep making noises like a teapot every 30 seconds. It’s merging 50 years of the best comic stories the X-Men did and making it one nonstop pastiche of nitro-fueled nostalgia. Secondary mutation? Got it. AvX? Got it. Darkchylde, X-Factor, Glob Herman!?

But do you notice which characters the cartoon is focusing on? Jean and Scott obviously, but Rogue and Nightcrawler, Jubilee and Roberto.. not Wolverine – you know why? Everyone knows Wolverine. And yes, people know who Boyscout Cyclops and Momma Phoenix are – but what about ‘Cyclops did nothing wrong’ Summers and Madelyne ‘Yes I do control demons in lingerie, why?’ Pryor? Because X-Men ’97 has them. Minister Nightcrawler and Unforgiving Unrepentant Marvel v. Capcom Asskicking Rogue? Check and Check. The politics of the X-Men is taking center stage and it isn’t the ‘why do they hate and fear us’ easy patter. It’s the ‘we have laser beam eyes and claw hands, how the hell are we losing!? version we’ve seen in the Krakoa age.

Get ready kids, because the MCU:X is coming, and if it is 10% as good as this cartoon – I’ll have to stop bitching about how horrible the X-Movies are. (It’s going to take some time since there are 2 good ones and 6 bad ones – it’s going to take some time to move that needle)

Anyway, sugah – sound off on your X-thoughts – Hatton Out.

[1-STAR MOVIE REVIEW] Kiss: Phantom of the Park

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Sometimes the Somethings don’t want to podcast… they want to rock and roll all night, and party every day – but sometimes.. instead of even doing that, they want to go to an amusement park to see a band that may or may not live there and discover the secrets of the evil scientist that is building an army of robots.

Oh, and also, the Somethings have magical powers in this situation. No, we haven’t had them before. No, we’re not explaining them to you.

So find out when we find out we aren’t the only folks who have had that adventure – weird huh? On 1-STAR MOVIE REVIEW – KISS: PHANTOM OF THE PARK

Ok, here we go back to callin… cause we won’t be home tonight

Full Episode

[BLOG] Big Matt discusses “The Fallout Conundrum”!

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Hello Somethings, Big Matt here!

So, I just finished watching the Fallout show on Amazon. I loved it. I loved how they fleshed out the world, loved the characters they went with, and even loved the flashbacks to before the bombs. Excellent show all around and highly worth watching.

Now, due to the show reminding me how much I loved the world, I want to play some Fallout again.

This is my conundrum: which game do I go with? Fallout 3 was probably the strongest of the last three games, with New Vegas being a close second, and Fallout 4 being a distant third. (I refuse to acknowledge Fallout 76).

I probably spent the most time in Fallout 3. There was just a perfect amount of things to do, areas to uncover, etc. Fallout New Vegas had a great story and fun characters. Tons of exploring as well. Fallout 4 was the weakest of the three games, in my opinion. The speech trees were pretty anemic, the building mechanic was annoying, and screw that Preston guy. That said, Fallout 4 just received a big update for next gen systems and PCs, which makes it look better and play better.

So, the question is, which game do I get back into. 3, NV, or 4? The most updated game, but also the weakest, or the best game with aging graphics and bugs on an OS it wasn’t made for.

What do you folks think?


[ELEVATOR PITCH] 80’s Wrestlers

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Wrestlemania may be behind us, but the Somethings are getting in on the action, baybayyy.

So join PCR, Hatton, and Big Matt as they are, yet again, on an elevator with an idea.. you see they each have created a wrestler from the ground up. Gimmick. Moveset. Theme song. And one of their creations is going to hit the ring if today’s CEO approves. The rest’ll be serving hard time.

Today’s CEO is a guy who has established himself in two competitive and cutthroat worlds – wrestling AND comics.. and merged them. Today we have Mike Kingston, creator of Headlocked, a comic that tells the story of a guy who rises through the ranks in the ring and Tales From The Road stories told by the biggest names of the industry.  Check out everything he does at: Headlockedcomic.com

So what are the Somethings going to do when it comes crashing down and it hurts inside?

Only one way to find out…. it’s time to play the game on Elevator Pitch: 80’s Wrestlers

Ok here we go.. 4… Life.

Full Episode

[BLOG] The April 2nd Announcement, Future of Somethings (Hatton’s Version)

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It seemed only right to also put in a post about the big talking point of the Somethingcast this month – the fact that we will be ending the show on our summer anniversary.

This show has outlasted multiple homes. At least one marriage. Much like when I was doing In His Likeness, it was my anchor. In one of my many move arounds, I was setting up my laptop in a friend’s house to make sure we could get shit up on the site. When you do something this regularly for this long, you build a lot of life around it, and for someone like me that would forget what day it was if I didn’t have the labeled underwear… that’s a good thing. (And in case you are wondering, I’m writing this on Hanes Moisture-wicking Cotton Blend Day.)

A lot in our lives have changed and a lot in the world of podcasting has changed, too. The fact that we lasted this long without turning into a True Crime podcast is astounding. (It would be called ‘Sleuttththhhzzzss’ – you know it would.

As the weeks go by, I’m sure we’ll talk more about how we came to the decision and reminisce like the maudlin old assholes we are, but I will say this – time after time, Rob and I would have these check-in moments. They probably started after year 3 or 4, where one of us would say ‘You still want to do this?’ and at first, I probably thought I was getting dumped – but as time wore on, it just became our annual vibe check. More than once one of us got ready to take a brief break from the show and honestly, those brief breaks ended up being near non-existent because the one that was taking some time came up with a great idea or decided they didn’t want the break in the first place.

Like Rob said in his post, we’re extraverted sluts for entertaining people. We may not be here in this exact spot, but I assure you there will be a spot you will be able to find one or both of us as we try a new or different kind of merrymaking. We need to. It’s in the blood. And that’s because the only reason we’ve ever done this show was because we love entertaining you.

Sound off in all of the places with your favorite Something moments or episodes. We would love to know when we made you laugh the hardest.

Til then, talk to you on Fruit of the Loom Red Picnic Checkers day.
– J