Tag: 2024

Our Best, Favorite, Coolest, Neatest Movie Props


Sure, movies have cool action and actors and Bay-splosions.. but have you ever just looked at all of the stuff?!

From laser guns to cool hats, from space ships to candy – Hollywood can make anything cool. So the Somethings are going to talk about some of their favorite movie objects. Whether they are one off tools or the whole maguffin – these are the things that make the fantastic worlds become a reality.

So join us as we discuss our Favorite Movie Props!

Ok, here we ooooh, dude did you see that wallet? It said bad mother fu– you get it.

Full Episode

[BLOG] Oh, X-Men ’97.. where were you 27 years ago…

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Oh, Hatton’s popping off about X-Men again.

You’re damned right he is – and do you know why?

Because DizMaus is brilliant at what they do no matter how agonizingly horrible they are to American copyright law. Yeah, we had the biggest movie action event of all time and then, pandemic aside, they feel like they’ve stumbled to their next marker. That said, we all thought it was going to be Fantastic Four for a minute, but behind the scenes they were moving X-Pawns into X-Places.

And then, with Patrick Stewart’s cameo, Kelsey Grammar’s cameo, and Wolverine and Deadpool – we were off to the races. Diz wants us to know that not only are they thinking about the X-Men, they are reminding people of what the X-Men was so when they bring to us our all new shiny X-Teams, the people who don’t know a M’kraan Crystal from a Gem of Cytorak can feel less alone. (An aside: I once got lambasted for misremembering which one was which when I used to write comic reviews. I deserved it.)

So that brings us to this image posted with no commentary:

And X-Men MotherTruckin ’97.

It is a love letter to comics to cartoons to 90’s animation stylings and all of it is done with a non-stop rumbling patter of name drops, character drops, and plot evolutions. Hey, was that Marrow on that poster? Yup. Hey, is that Belladonna and Bobby LeBeau at [redacted]? Yup. And they aren’t apologizing for it or spoonfeeding answers. They’re there for us to nerdily explain to our friends and partners why we keep making noises like a teapot every 30 seconds. It’s merging 50 years of the best comic stories the X-Men did and making it one nonstop pastiche of nitro-fueled nostalgia. Secondary mutation? Got it. AvX? Got it. Darkchylde, X-Factor, Glob Herman!?

But do you notice which characters the cartoon is focusing on? Jean and Scott obviously, but Rogue and Nightcrawler, Jubilee and Roberto.. not Wolverine – you know why? Everyone knows Wolverine. And yes, people know who Boyscout Cyclops and Momma Phoenix are – but what about ‘Cyclops did nothing wrong’ Summers and Madelyne ‘Yes I do control demons in lingerie, why?’ Pryor? Because X-Men ’97 has them. Minister Nightcrawler and Unforgiving Unrepentant Marvel v. Capcom Asskicking Rogue? Check and Check. The politics of the X-Men is taking center stage and it isn’t the ‘why do they hate and fear us’ easy patter. It’s the ‘we have laser beam eyes and claw hands, how the hell are we losing!? version we’ve seen in the Krakoa age.

Get ready kids, because the MCU:X is coming, and if it is 10% as good as this cartoon – I’ll have to stop bitching about how horrible the X-Movies are. (It’s going to take some time since there are 2 good ones and 6 bad ones – it’s going to take some time to move that needle)

Anyway, sugah – sound off on your X-thoughts – Hatton Out.

[1-STAR MOVIE REVIEW] Kiss: Phantom of the Park

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Sometimes the Somethings don’t want to podcast… they want to rock and roll all night, and party every day – but sometimes.. instead of even doing that, they want to go to an amusement park to see a band that may or may not live there and discover the secrets of the evil scientist that is building an army of robots.

Oh, and also, the Somethings have magical powers in this situation. No, we haven’t had them before. No, we’re not explaining them to you.

So find out when we find out we aren’t the only folks who have had that adventure – weird huh? On 1-STAR MOVIE REVIEW – KISS: PHANTOM OF THE PARK

Ok, here we go back to callin… cause we won’t be home tonight

Full Episode

[ELEVATOR PITCH] 80’s Wrestlers

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Wrestlemania may be behind us, but the Somethings are getting in on the action, baybayyy.

So join PCR, Hatton, and Big Matt as they are, yet again, on an elevator with an idea.. you see they each have created a wrestler from the ground up. Gimmick. Moveset. Theme song. And one of their creations is going to hit the ring if today’s CEO approves. The rest’ll be serving hard time.

Today’s CEO is a guy who has established himself in two competitive and cutthroat worlds – wrestling AND comics.. and merged them. Today we have Mike Kingston, creator of Headlocked, a comic that tells the story of a guy who rises through the ranks in the ring and Tales From The Road stories told by the biggest names of the industry.  Check out everything he does at: Headlockedcomic.com

So what are the Somethings going to do when it comes crashing down and it hurts inside?

Only one way to find out…. it’s time to play the game on Elevator Pitch: 80’s Wrestlers

Ok here we go.. 4… Life.

Full Episode

[BLOG] The April 2nd Announcement, Future of Somethings (Hatton’s Version)

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It seemed only right to also put in a post about the big talking point of the Somethingcast this month – the fact that we will be ending the show on our summer anniversary.

This show has outlasted multiple homes. At least one marriage. Much like when I was doing In His Likeness, it was my anchor. In one of my many move arounds, I was setting up my laptop in a friend’s house to make sure we could get shit up on the site. When you do something this regularly for this long, you build a lot of life around it, and for someone like me that would forget what day it was if I didn’t have the labeled underwear… that’s a good thing. (And in case you are wondering, I’m writing this on Hanes Moisture-wicking Cotton Blend Day.)

A lot in our lives have changed and a lot in the world of podcasting has changed, too. The fact that we lasted this long without turning into a True Crime podcast is astounding. (It would be called ‘Sleuttththhhzzzss’ – you know it would.

As the weeks go by, I’m sure we’ll talk more about how we came to the decision and reminisce like the maudlin old assholes we are, but I will say this – time after time, Rob and I would have these check-in moments. They probably started after year 3 or 4, where one of us would say ‘You still want to do this?’ and at first, I probably thought I was getting dumped – but as time wore on, it just became our annual vibe check. More than once one of us got ready to take a brief break from the show and honestly, those brief breaks ended up being near non-existent because the one that was taking some time came up with a great idea or decided they didn’t want the break in the first place.

Like Rob said in his post, we’re extraverted sluts for entertaining people. We may not be here in this exact spot, but I assure you there will be a spot you will be able to find one or both of us as we try a new or different kind of merrymaking. We need to. It’s in the blood. And that’s because the only reason we’ve ever done this show was because we love entertaining you.

Sound off in all of the places with your favorite Something moments or episodes. We would love to know when we made you laugh the hardest.

Til then, talk to you on Fruit of the Loom Red Picnic Checkers day.
– J

[THE BEGINNING] Wayward Pines

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It’s well established the Somethings enjoy a show that takes place in a mysterious location with a bunch of people unsure of what’s gone on. Well, in his first selection for The Beginning, Big Matt has provided us with one that slipped through our cracks.. he has given us a bit of a Twin Peek at a little show Lost called Wayward Pines.

This Matt Dillon vehicle covers all the bases – strange location, the audience knowing secrets the characters don’t, secrets on secrets on secrets, and… M Nigh Shyamalan?!

So is this show just another Leftover or was it a gem caught on the Fringe? …flash forward, heroes, persons unknown, i-land…

Find out on The Beginning: Wayward Pines

Ok, here we have to go back… kinda.

Full Episode

[BLOG] April 2nd episode and the future of The Something Something ‘Cast

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Hey there Somethings, PCR here!

So, hopefully by now, you’ve listened to our “Shows that Went Too Long” episode, and you might be saying to yourself, “Self, those wacky scamps ended their show with an April Fools joke on April SECOND!  Will their comedy genius never cease??”

Well, I am here to assure you dear listeners, it was not an April Fools joke.

“Look at their commitment to their craft!  Doubling down on a ‘day-later-joke’ FOUR DAYS LATER!”

It’s not a joke.

“Only someone making a joke like that would say so…”

It’s not a joke.

If you would have told us back in July of 2013 when we started this wacky journey in Casa de Hatton 1.0, sitting in his living room, using a direct input mic and one fed into an old mixing board with the 4th XLR cable we rummaged out of a box of cables because the first 3 went bad and a hum behind the audio track that we didn’t find out for at LEAST 10 episodes that it was picking up the fan from his printer that we would still be doing this show 11 years later… well.. honestly.. I don’t know what we would have thought….   but here we are.

It has been an absolute blast, and because of this show, we have met and spoken to people we otherwise never would have had the opportunity to.  We have been able to do things and go places we otherwise wouldn’t have had the chance to, and that is something that can never be forgotten or taken away.

Our last episode will be July 30th, so there’s still plenty of Something to be had still.

That being said, James and I are entertainment whores, and we can’t NOT create things so… if I were a betting man (and I’m not), I’d likely wager that you’ll run into us again down the road somewhere doing something else.

Until then…  enjoy the upcoming episodes.  Go back and catch up on our back catalogue.  Let us know your favorite episode or bit, and buckle up, cause we’ve still got plenty of great stuff coming along!


Shows That Went On Too Long…


Everyone has that show.. you know that show – the one you were the repository of knowledge for. The show you didn’t miss week to week. You were on the Usenet forum, had built a vanity page for it on AOL, your entire Livejournal icon system was built around your favorite character’s moods. You WERE this show… which apparently aired in 2005. Anyway, as the years went on, you started to feel that maybe.. just maybe.. it got a bit long in the tooth. Then the tooth turned into a tusk.

This week, we are discussing shows that overstayed their welcome – maybe by a year, maybe by a decade. Grab a fish biscuit, and settle in for Shows That Went On Too Long…

And please, make sure to listen all the way through, the last selection may shock you.

Ok, here we keep going…

Full Episode

[BLOG] Hatton’s Favorite Mania Matches…

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It’s the last blog before April – and aside from it being James Hatton Appreciation Month – it is also time yet again for the Superbowl of grappling – Wrestlemania!

Now, at the moment, there are some big shaking going on in the squared circle. The Rock is on television again. The two night event is going on in Philly so it’s guaranteed if they don’t put on a good show they’ll have batteries thrown at them from the rafters while Gritty screams ‘E C DUB’ – but I wanted to throw out some of my favorite matches of Manias ever. Oh, and this isn’t the only wrestling content you’ll be seeing from us this month.

KOFI-MANIAKofi Kingston v. Daniel Bryan – This is a bit of a biased pick because I was there for this one. Yes, we were hanging off of the ‘G’ in Giants stadium, but I saw when Kofi Kingston beat Daniel Bryan at what felt like 4am at Wrestlemania 35.  I love Kofi Kingston and seeing a build around a guy who has deserved it for too too long made me thrilled to be there for one of the most heartfelt in-ring moments that’s ever closed out a Wrestlemania. I don’t get emotional about wrestling, but watching Xavier Woods in tears of joy … it makes a guy a lil dusty.

THE AYO-TOLLAH & THE TEA CUPChris Jericho v. Stephen Regal – Mania X7 is considered by many, if not most, the greatest Mania ever.. and sure, it’s got Rock/Austin 2 and Hunter v Taker… but how come nobody talks about two of the best ringworkers of the day. General Manager Regal fights Y2J over, if memory serves, pissing in his teapot.  That doesn’t matter – what does is the fact that Regal holds absolutely nothing back, reversing the Walls into a Stretch, and chopping the snot out of Jericho in a way Gunther would be proud of.

RATED R FOR FIRE – Mick Foley v. Edge – I am an unabashed huge Edge fan. I never expected he would get the launch he did into main event status until this match. Both men go out there to prove that they can hang, but for different reasons. Edge goes and puts on a hardcore performance that rarely ever gets seen on a Mania and Foley shows that even though he is on the last steps of his in-ring career, with the right motivation, he is a legend for a reason. It’s brutal in ways you forget until you see it again.

NOBODY TALKS ABOUT WRESTLEMANIA 5… Ok, fine, I guess people do because the Mega-somethings exploded – but people don’t discuss the stars of Wrestlemania V.  The tag teams. There are two tag matches in the midst of Mania 5.

First Demolition v Powers of Pain and.. ok, fine, it’s a by-the-numbers tag match with the addition of Mr. Fuji, but it is Demolition at their biggest and best – BUT! And I say this with absolutely no sarcasm:

Strike Force v. Brain Busters is an amazing match. It’s forgotten because it is more gimmick with Martel turning coat – but everything up until that moment was on its way to being a real classic. Watch the fluid exchanges between Tito Santana and Arn Anderson and you can see what this match wanted to become. Even after Martel splits, Tito fights back and for a very brief moments you think he might be able to pull it off.  Then again…..

So what are your favorite forgotten Mania matches – sound off in all the places!


[1-STAR MOVIE REVIEW] Space Raiders

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Look, in the early 80s there were two ways to make a ton of money… the first was a lot of cocaine. The second, which sometimes included the first, was to make something that people who were squinting may think they were watching something Star Wars related.

Enter the checkerpatterned opera that is Space Raiders. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll swear you saw this footage before.

Find out what the hell that means on 1-Star Movie Review: Space Raiders

Ok, here we go Over The Top!

Full Episode